Recordings of Four Ghazals in Persian

Here is a link to recordings in Persian of four ghazals by Mawlana Rumi from the website of Museum Rietberg, Züruch, Switzerland. The exhibition at the Museum has been from September 2011 to January 2012, and is said to be the world's first culturally comparative exhibition on mysticism.


Open an additional window here to read the Persian texts that precede the English translations by A.J. Arberry, Franklin Lewis (who kindly gave permission to quote his translation on 1/18/12), and I. Gamard. Above each Persian text are three lines: the first line ("F-") indicates the number of the ghazal in the critical (or best) Persian edition of Mawlana Rumi's works. The next two lines indicate the poetic meter of each ghazal (such as "mu-FAA-`i-LUN..."), although the recorded recitations do not follow these meters.