Go out from (my) heart, O sorrow, since the benevolence of my beloved is coming. You also be lost to me, O heart, since the beloved is coming.
I do not call the beloved "happiness," since he has passed (beyond) happiness; shame is coming to me in regard to happiness because of the super abundance of his love.
Muslims, (O) Muslims, begin anew being Muslim, since unbelief2 is becoming like a Muslim from (being) shamed by my beloved.
Go (away), O gratitude, because blessing and favor have gone beyond the bounds of gratitude. I do not wish for patience even though it sometimes becomes (a good) co-worker.
All forms, go (away), since new forms have come. Your flags will be over-turned3 since that plentiful (one) is coming.
He is tearing at the door and walls of the heart, (but) since he cannot fit inside the door because of (its) thickness, he is coming from behind the wall!
--Translation of Mawlana Rumi's Ghazal No. 593 by Ibrahim Gamard
2unbelief (kufr): A Qur'anic term that includes anti-religious thoughts, speech, feelings, and attitudes, as well as actions such as rejecting God or worshipping other beings or 'gods' besides God. It also includes rejection of the Islamic revelation which contains the essentials of past revelations to the Prophets of God (such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus) in a form suitable as the final religious scripture for humanity.
3Your flags will be over-turned: means, "All you old forms will be defeated by the new forms coming with the generous beloved."