Do Not Become Hidden

Ghazal 4511

Do not become hidden, for your face is a blessing to us; your gazing upon all souls is a blessing.

Do not draw (back) your shadow (any) farther from our heads for a single moment; you have known that the shadow of the Phoenix (bird)2 is a blessing.

Come, O spring-season3 of beauty, for that delightful breeze (of yours) (blowing) upon orchard, meadow, flower-garden, and desert plain is a blessing.

(May) a hundred thousand holy souls (be) his (willing) sacrifice when he comes to the lane of love, for that place is a blessing.

Because of you, we are (in a state of) yearning and idleness, (drifting from) place to place; for us, being idle and yearning like this is a blessing.

O (people) bound to the body! Go (see) the sights of the soul. For in the end, the Messenger (Muhammad) said, "Seeing the sights is a blessing."

Each leaf and each tree is a messenger from non-existence--meaning that seeds (that have been) strained are a blessing.

Since the leaf and tree have spoken without (need of) a tongue, you (also) should hear without (need of) ears, for these (abilities) are a blessing.

O soul of the world's four elements, (the influence of) your beauty upon water, air, fire, and earth is a blessing--

Meaning anything you sow, that is never lost: no one sows the seed of (the true) religion except that it is a blessing.

I prostrate (in obeisance to you),4 since your dust upon my head is like a crown. I put my feet (forward), since for feet, your path is a blessing.

(In) this moment your (mental) image is coming to me, to (my) eyes. By God! It has come fortunately, and truly it is a blessing.

An image that (is) connected to the earth in color is lacking faith, (whereas) an image that (is) connected to (the world) above is a blessing.

For earthly creatures, the beauty of the spring (season) is fortunate. For fish, the pulsation of the sea is a blessing.

That sun which shone forth upon heaven and earth and the blue vault (of the sky)5 from the heart in the chests (of lovers) is a blessing.

The heart lacks vigor to breathe (normally) because of (mystical) "taste."6 (And) the soul is prostrating (in worship), saying, "O God, it is a blessing."

(As for) any heart that has become the comrade of yearning for you tonight, know surely that, for it, tomorrow is a blessing.

Increase his raw wine and make us silent! For in hiding things within there is a blessing.

--From The Dîwân-é Kabîr (also known as "Kulliyât-é Shams" and "Dîwân-é Shams-é Tabrîz") of Jalaluddin Rumi.

Translated from the Persian by Ibrahim Gamard, 5/27/20

© Ibrahim Gamard (translation, footnotes, & transliteration)

Notes on the text:

1Ghazal 1786: Compare to the translation by Jeffrey R. Osborne, "Divan-i Kabir, Vol. 6, The Fourth Meter," no. 567, pp. 48-49, 2018.

2the shadow of the Phoenix (bird): This refers to a legendary and miraculous bird [anqâ, sîmorgh], the shadow of which, if it fell upon a man, he would become kIing.Therefore, it is a symbol of divine favor.

3spring-season: Symbolizes the invisible spiritual grace of the spiritual master and its beneficent effects.

4prostrate (in obeisance) [sajda]: not a prostation of worship, but of submisssion to someone of high rank, such as a king (or sometimes, a Sufi master).

5the blue vault (of the sky) [gonbad-é:khaZrâ]: The starry heavens are viewed poetically as resembling a vault or arch or dome, according to the geocentric view. Here, the color of the sky (literally "green") is translated as "blue," but is better compared to cyan, a mixture of blue and green (sometimes called "sky blue").

6(mystical) "taste" [dhawq]: means a state of ecstasy or bliss beyond the ordinary mind. Related to the Sufi saying: "The one who does not taste does not know."


[For listening to an audio recitation of this ghazal in Persian click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.]

penhân ma-shaw ke rôy-é tô bar mâ mubârak-ast

naZâra-yé tô bar hama jân-hâ mubârak-ast

yak lahZa sâya az sar-é mâ dûr-tar ma-kon

dânasta-yé ke sâya-yé `anqâ mubârak-ast

ay nawbahâr-é Husn be-y-â, k-ân hawây-é khwosh

bar bâgh-o râgh-o golshan-o SaHrâ mubârak-ast

ay Sad hezâr jân-é muqaddas fidây-é ô

k-ây-ad ba kûy-é `ishq, ke ân jâ mubârak-ast

Sawdâyî-êm az tô-wo baTâl-o kû ba-kû

mâ-râ chonîn baTâlat-o sawdâ mubârak-ast

ay basta-gân-é tan! ba-tamâshâ-yé jân raw-îd

k-âkhir rasûl goft: tamâshâ mubârak-ast

har barg-o har derakht rasûlê-st az `adam

ya`nî ke kesht-hây-é muSaffâ mubârak-ast

chûn barg-o chûn derakht be-goft-and bê-zabân

bê-gôsh be-sh'naw-îd ke în-hâ mubârak-ast

ay jân-é châr `unSar-é `âlam, jamâl-é tô

bar âb-o bâd-o âtesh-o ghabrâ mubârak-ast

ya`nî ke har che kâr-î gom na-mê-shaw-ad

kas tokhm-é dîn na-kâr-ad illå mubârak-ast

sajda bar-am ke khâk-é tô bar sar chô afsar-ast

pâ dar neh-am ke râh-é tô bar pâ mubârak-ast

mê-âyad-am ba-chashm hamîn laHZa naqsh-é tô

wa 'llâh khojasta âmad-o Haqqâ mubârak-ast

naqshê ke rang bast az în khâk bê-wafâ-st

naqsh ke rang bast ze-bâlâ mubârak-ast

bar khâkiy-ân jamâl-é bahâr-an khojasta-st

bar mâhiy-ân Tapîdan-é daryâ mubârak-ast

ân âftâb k-az del dar sîna-hâ be-tâft

bar `arsh-o farsh-o gonbad-é khaZrâ mubârak-ast

del-râ majâl nêst ke az Zauq dam zan-ad

jân sajda mê-kon-ad ke khodâ-yâ mubârak-ast

har del ke bå hawâ-yé tô emshab shaw-ad Harîf

ô-râ yaqîn be-dân tô ke fardâ mubârak-ast

be-f'zâ sharâb-é khâm-ash-o mâ-râ khamûsh kon

k-andar darûn nohoftan-é ashyâ mubârak-ast

Meter 4: XXo XoXo oXXo XoX

muZâri` akhrab makfûf maHdhûf